Saturday, November 14, 2009

Jordan left on November 5th for his two month training in Alabama. It was a sad morning for Kimber and I when we dropped him off at the airport. Having him gone-coupled with veteran's day- has truly made me grateful for our troops/veterans. My first instinct was to feel sorry for myself and wallow in self-pity, but the more I think about it, the more I realize how selfish that is! Here I am, surrounded by friends and family, the holidays approaching, and Jordan is stuck in Warrant Officer boot camp getting his butt chewed out all day, every day! I am so grateful to have a husband that is willing to sacrifice so much for our country, as well as our little family! And I'm grateful for all of the troops and veterans who have sacrificed so much as well!


  1. aw me too! what a good guy! hopefully you guys won't be too lonely, it would be hard to have a husband gone.. I give you props for being so supportive :)

  2. Tell your hubby thanks for serving our country, that must be hard but somebody has to do it I guess, you two are amazing ppl. Good luck with everything! :)
